Deeply Carved Antique French Corbels
Deeply Carved Antique French Corbels
A rare set of two antique 19th Century decorative French wall corbels, with stunning carved details.
This is a very impressive pair of wall panels. Although they are not an exact pair, they were made to be displayed alongside each other. Featuring acanthus leaves at the top, rosettes, nuts, berries and leaves then flow down each panel. The depth of carving is particularly impressive and together they make a dramatic set of decorative wooden panels.
Considering the age of these pieces, they are in very good condition. There are some light cracks to the carving in places, and one has had a repair with glue on the back of it, but they are both very stable still. There are some odd holes on them both from where they have previously been nailed into a wall, which could be used again for fixing to a wall. There is also some light worm damage to a small section of one panel but this is old and has been treated.
Length, 39cm; Width, 7.5cm; Depth, 4cm at deepest point